
illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations


Published on Sep 26, 2022 by Samer on ML


Disease-diagnosing-Prediction using machine learning different alghorithms to predict disease. Currently this app is deployed in a Tkinter App, and provides 3 different high accurate clinical diagnosis based on 3 different machine learning alghorithms to generate a clinical decision helping layer.

Want to run this project in your computer Follow these Steps Clone or Download From github:

Open the terminal/DDP in project directory

Then create virtual environment using this command:

py -m venv env

Activate virtual environment using:


Install all the requirements using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

It will take some time to download till that take a sip of coffee ☕

After successful download of all above requirements, run the app using:

Tkinter run


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Disease-diagnosing-Prediction using machine learning different alghorithms to predict disease. Currently this app is deployed in a Tkinter App, and provides 3 different high accurate clinical diagnosis based on 3 different...

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